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PhD Student
I am an ecologist interested in how species respond to changes in habitat and climate.
My research uses a combination of fieldwork and fine-scale climate modelling to investigate the influences of microclimate on both individual organisms and populations. Butterflies are a real passion of mine, with their ecology and conservation forming a focus for much of this work. Here in Cornwall, I work on populations of the silver-studded blue butterfly (Plebejus argus) that occur on former mining sites in the region, investigating how microclimate variation influences this species' persistence within the landscape. Consequently, I also have a keen interest in the unique biodiversity of these culturally important, post-industrial sites.
Previously, I completed my BA (Hons) in Natural Sciences (Zoology) at the University of Cambridge and an MRes in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Research at Imperial College London (Silwood Park).
I am supervised by Prof Richard ffrench-Constant, Dr Ilya Maclean, Dr Jon Bennie and Dr Adrian Spalding. Funding for my PhD research is provided by the University of Exeter College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Cornwall Butterfly and Moth Society and Spalding Associates (Environmental) Ltd.
Twitter: @MarcusWRhodes
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